The Dark Side of Social Media: How It Can Harm Your Mental Health
Social media has become an integral part of modern life. It has revolutionized the way we connect with others, share information, and even conduct business. However, mounting evidence suggests that social media can leave a profound and lasting impact on mental health, one that’s not always beneficial. Social Media and Mental Health: What’s the…
Safeguarding Your Mental Health While Using Social Media
Do you find yourself constantly checking your phone, scrolling through social media feeds, and becoming lost in a never-ending cycle of likes, comments, and notifications, only to feel drained and disconnected from the world around you? Do you feel like you’re living your life through a screen, watching others’ highlight reels, and wondering why your…
A Guide to Reducing Screen Time
Screen time is the time spent using a device with a screen, such as a smartphone, computer, television, or video game console. Prior to the pandemic, the average screen time for adults in the United States was 11 hours per day.1 However, since the lockdown, this number has increased to 19 hours per day, and…